Ayurveda Skin Care
Ayurveda, Skin Care Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Skin Care Denise O'Dunn

Ayurveda Skin Care

Ayurveda teaches that your skin type is determined by the qualities of your original doshic design. These qualities are uniquely responsive to your stage of life, environmental conditions, dietary habits, skin regimens and the passing of time. According to Ayurveda, it’s best to know your doshic tendencies to determine your optimal skin care regimen.

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Ayurveda’s Concept of Perfect Health
Ayurveda Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda Denise O'Dunn

Ayurveda’s Concept of Perfect Health

When we are in our natural state of being and are supporting that original doshic combination (prakriti), we experience true health and wellbeing, which is svastha. Regardless of our current doshic state (vikriti) it is possible to get closer to our prakriti, where we are most harmonious, when following a conscious path to greater health…

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Ayurveda and Sleep
Ayurveda, Daily Routines Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Daily Routines Denise O'Dunn

Ayurveda and Sleep

We all understand that sleep is an important factor for normal biological function. Ayurveda considers the quality and quantity of our sleep to be as essential to our health and well-being as our dietary habits. The right amount of restful sleep affords our bodies and…

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Relaxation & Visualization
Yoga, Mind Energy Spirit Denise O'Dunn Yoga, Mind Energy Spirit Denise O'Dunn

Relaxation & Visualization

Relaxation is the process of releasing physical tension while creating mental calm. It is a restorative and rejuvenating process where all of your internal systems work at their most efficient rate. Relaxation is what is left when you stop “doing”. Spending time daily in relaxation…

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Ayurveda and Children
Ayurveda Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda Denise O'Dunn

Ayurveda and Children

The Ayurvedic concept of prakriti teaches that every child is born with their own individual characteristics, even within the same family. Their distinctive combination of doshas, based on their reason for being here (dharma), determined the physical structure and features, as well as the temperament and natural talents that are needed to fulfill their purpose…

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Your Hatha Yoga Practice
Yoga Denise O'Dunn Yoga Denise O'Dunn

Your Hatha Yoga Practice

When possible, practice at the same time and in the same place each day. Your body and mind will become familiar with the process and will expect and look forward to your practice.

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Sequencing Your Postures
Yoga Denise O'Dunn Yoga Denise O'Dunn

Sequencing Your Postures

It is important to develop yoga routines that work well for you and your lifestyle. Having a clear understanding of why you place yoga postures in a certain order, will help you to feel more comfortable in your practice at home.

Ideally, we all come to the point where we don’t have to think of the practical reasons for posture sequence but rely on our own intuition.

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Ayurveda and Your Ideal Weight
Ayurveda, Weight Management Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Weight Management Denise O'Dunn

Ayurveda and Your Ideal Weight

The Ayurvedic basis for achieving and maintaining your ideal weight is centered on the recognition of your original combination of the doshas and how they change according to your current circumstances. When you understand your unique physical and mental predispositions, along with the way that you are personally impacted by the rhythms of nature and the details of your day, you can make appropriate decisions that will lead to a balanced weight.

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Hatha Yoga
Yoga Denise O'Dunn Yoga Denise O'Dunn

Hatha Yoga

The word hatha means “sun/moon or a balanced force” and yoga means “to yoke or join together” also, “union or integration.” Hatha Yoga then translates as “the joining or integration of pairs of opposites”, representing balance. The practice of Hatha Yoga is known as “the yoga of physical discipline”, focusing primarily on postures (asanas) and breathing to integrate the body and mind. As the body and mind merge, a place of stillness is found that draws one to the core of their being, where the source of all bliss can be experienced.

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Dravyaguna – Ayurveda and Herbs
Ayurveda, Herbs Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Herbs Denise O'Dunn

Dravyaguna – Ayurveda and Herbs

The principal characteristic of the universe is consciousness, which leads to its manifest form, prana. Ayurveda teaches that every therapeutic substance found in nature reveals the conscious intelligence of the universe as expressed by prana. It follows that every herb has in its design the ability to awaken and harmonize our consciousness with the consciousness of the substance.

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Paths of Yoga
Yoga, Mind Energy Spirit Denise O'Dunn Yoga, Mind Energy Spirit Denise O'Dunn

Paths of Yoga

Though the characteristics vary, the different paths of yoga share similarities and ultimately lead to the same goal: to connect the body and mind, transcend the individual self, and liberate the soul, uniting one with their original source, which is pure consciousness.

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The Sweet Sound of Om
Yoga, Mind Energy Spirit Denise O'Dunn Yoga, Mind Energy Spirit Denise O'Dunn

The Sweet Sound of Om

Om is said to be the sacred syllable that preceded the universe and is the cosmic vibration that holds together the atoms of the world and the heavens. The ancient sacred literature of the Upanishads says that Om is the Cosmic Spirit or the Source of all existence in the form of sound.

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Ayurveda and Yoga – Sister Sciences
Ayurveda, Yoga Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Yoga Denise O'Dunn

Ayurveda and Yoga – Sister Sciences

Ayurveda and Yoga share the same Vedic roots yet offer different paths to the common goal of self-understanding and ultimately merging with pure consciousness. Both Ayurveda and Yoga originated as a means to end all suffering, presenting an approach to life that is in harmony with the laws of the universe.

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Ayurveda, Daily Routines, Eating & Digestion Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Daily Routines, Eating & Digestion Denise O'Dunn


As the “science of life”, Ayurveda provides us with a conscious awareness of the constant movement and influences of the solar, lunar, and planetary cycles. The activities described in dinacharya are intended to be synchronized with the daily cycle of the sun and performed regularly. Ayurveda teaches that regular routines create stability, which in turn promotes personal balance.

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Creating Balance in the Vata Season
Ayurveda, Seasonal, Daily Routines Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Seasonal, Daily Routines Denise O'Dunn

Creating Balance in the Vata Season

As the external environment changes during the vata season, your internal environment can experience the same type of changes; dry leaves, dry skin; crackly leaves, crackly joints; shorter days, shorter attention span; colder days, colder extremities, windy days, windy bowels. The qualities of vata dosha are found in the disorders that are common at this time of year. By observing the processes of Mother Nature, you can better understand the processes of your body, mind and spirit.

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