Balance & Bliss Blog

Ayurveda Skin Care
Ayurveda, Skin care Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Skin care Denise O'Dunn

Ayurveda Skin Care

Ayurveda teaches that your skin type is determined by the qualities of your original doshic design. These qualities are uniquely responsive to your stage of life, environmental conditions, dietary habits, skin regimens and the passing of time. According to Ayurveda, it’s best to know your doshic tendencies to determine your optimal skin care regimen…

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Ayurveda’s Concept of Perfect Health – Svastha
Ayurveda Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda Denise O'Dunn

Ayurveda’s Concept of Perfect Health – Svastha

When we are in our natural state of being and are supporting that original doshic combination (prakriti), we experience true health and wellbeing, which is svastha. Regardless of our current doshic state (vikriti) it is possible to get closer to our prakriti, where we are most harmonious, when following a conscious path to greater health…

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Ayurveda and Sleep
Ayurveda, Daily Routines Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Daily Routines Denise O'Dunn

Ayurveda and Sleep

We all understand that sleep is an important factor for normal biological function. Ayurveda considers the quality and quantity of our sleep to be as essential to our health and well-being as our dietary habits. The right amount of restful sleep affords our bodies and…

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Ayurveda and Children
Ayurveda Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda Denise O'Dunn

Ayurveda and Children

The Ayurvedic concept of prakriti teaches that every child is born with their own individual characteristics, even within the same family. Their distinctive combination of doshas, based on their reason for being here (dharma), determined the physical structure and features, as well as the temperament and natural talents that are needed to fulfill their purpose…

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Ayurveda and Your Ideal Weight
Ayurveda, Weight Management Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Weight Management Denise O'Dunn

Ayurveda and Your Ideal Weight

The Ayurvedic basis to achieving and maintaining your ideal weight is centered on the recognition of your original combination of the doshas and how they change according to your current circumstances. When you understand your unique physical and mental predispositions, along with the way that you are personally impacted by the rhythms of nature and the details of your day, you can make appropriate decisions that will lead to balanced weight…

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Dravyaguna – Ayurveda and Herbs
Ayurveda, Herbs Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Herbs Denise O'Dunn

Dravyaguna – Ayurveda and Herbs

Dravyaguna gives us extensive classifications concerning the unique properties and use of herbs, based on the herb’s taste and actions. The term Dravyaguna is used in Ayurveda to describe the energetic classification and understanding of herbs, as it is focuses on the expression of consciousness through the herb’s apparent attributes…

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Ayurveda and Yoga – Sister Sciences
Ayurveda, Yoga Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Yoga Denise O'Dunn

Ayurveda and Yoga – Sister Sciences

Ayurveda and Yoga share the same Vedic roots yet offer different paths to the common goal of self-understanding and ultimately merging with pure consciousness. Both Ayurveda and Yoga originated as a means to end all suffering, presenting an approach to life that is in harmony…

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Ayurveda, Daily Routines Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Daily Routines Denise O'Dunn


Dinacharya is a Sanskrit term referring to the daily practice or routine founded on Ayurvedic principles. In Sanskrit, ‘din’ means day or daily and ‘charya’ can mean activity, behavior, conduct, practice, performance, custom or routine. In respect to dinacharya, ‘acharya’ refers to following the inherent…

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Ayurveda, Daily Routines Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Daily Routines Denise O'Dunn


Vyayama, or physical exercise, is an essential component of Ayurveda’s system of preventative health care, rejuvenation and longevity. The ancient Ayurvedic texts describe Vyayama as the movements and body postures designed to stabilize and strengthen your body. Ayurveda suggests that a daily routine of proper…

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Ayurveda and Love
Ayurveda, Mind Energy Spirit Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Mind Energy Spirit Denise O'Dunn

Ayurveda and Love

Ayurveda is India’s ancient Science of Life. In developing this science the observers of the known world, the Rishis, categorized every aspect of human health, well being and longevity. Their observations included the elements of happiness and it has long been held that the basis…

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Understanding Ayurveda
Ayurveda Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda Denise O'Dunn

Understanding Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the study of natural law. The word Ayurveda means the Science of Life; therefore, the essence of Ayurveda has always existed. Ancient Vedic texts tell us that the Rishis, or Holy Ones of India, acquired the knowledge of Ayurveda through meditation and the…

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Beat the Heat of Summer
Ayurveda, Seasons Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Seasons Denise O'Dunn

Beat the Heat of Summer

Relentless heat, major tropical storms, an overbearing sun piercing your eyes, never enough shade… If this is all you can see about summer, you are most likely of a Pitta dosha and you need to be careful in summertime. Ayurveda is an ancient system…

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Panchakarma - Balance from the Inside Out
Ayurveda, Treatments Denise O'Dunn Ayurveda, Treatments Denise O'Dunn

Panchakarma - Balance from the Inside Out

Ayurveda is India’s 5000 year old system of health and longevity. Ayurveda is the Science of Life. Panchakarma is the traditional Ayurvedic cleansing, rejuvenating and balancing program for your mind, body and spirit. Panchakarma means “five actions”. According to the Vedic texts, the formula for optimal…

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